

It has been a long time coming.

The Guild is slowly coming back to life. New computers were bought, and people are once again logging in and playing. We now also use discord Which Crestwater (Yours truly) runs, while Silver Cali took on the Mantel of temp Leading Lady in game when I was without a computer for about 2 years give or take.

Cali now, is the one on break, to focus on her artwork, and creative journey, so we’re just waiting for the people over at Blizzard to do the guild announcement thing, (Telling me the guild Leader has been inactive for x amount of time.) This way I can get the ball rolling as it were and do all the work involved to level up my alts? To one hundred. What’s that? That’s old hat now? Yeah, I know. I’m just an expansion or so behind.  Kind of expected, when you were saving money for a long time, and would have been much longer, if our Guild Tank hadn’t done me a huge Solid and got me a new one from a place called Digital Storm.

When it got here, lets just say my inner Gollum was very, very pleased.

That said, We’re back.

Sort of.

I’m just, really sore, I’m older, and my age is showing. By making chronic pain into an actual thing. So my being online will depends on over all health.

But yes.

I imagine my Main is kicing open the door to the guild hall and shouting. ‘Cali, I’m home!” Only to realize forsaken don’t eat, and any and all food has gone rotten and other characters, may have moved to temporary living quarters elsewhere. We’ve got some cleaning to do.



Currently Recruiting!


No new events are in plan at the moment!

This is good news for all you WoW players rolling an alt, or in search of a fun loving home on the Moon Guard US server!

We’re looking for:
Active players.
All classes.
You can be:
A hardcore gamer
A Casual
A Parent!

Worried about getting kicked for inactivity?
No problems! We’ve gone and kicked all the old rules out and re did them! We now have a Hiatus status for all your gamers that may suddenly need to take a break from Burn out.

What does that mean for you?
It means that we will NOT kick you. Even if you never come back again. Cause we understand that your life is busy, and you may need to “Be an adult.” As much as we’d hate to admit it, we know that real life > WoW. So do not fear the kick hammer, we threw it out, and we’re pretty sure it melted into slag in Molten Core!

Roll a brand new toon~ Roll a Brand new Alt~ Join our little guild~ Welcome to Farlight~


Okay, I have been sitting on this for two weeks and then some. It’s a story of complete and utter girly squeals and giggles. 

Now, here’s the Full Story; I run the Guild House Farlight, with some long time friends, and we more often then not chat in Skype while doing the WoW thing. Usually results in giggles, and fits of non stop laughter where I simply cannot breathe and turn red in the face cause everything is just so freaking funny. I kid you not. Cali is pretty much known for falling apart at the limbs when she forgets she can cast Levitate from high places when she jumps, but I guess that’s to be expected. 

Regardless, during one such day Mist aka Sil/ Cali was talking to me about the Movie Burlesque. And a certain song that Cher sings in it. Cali mentions as I’m watching, “It would be cool if this song was turned into a Parody for our Guild.” On a random lark. 

Inspiration strikes! 

Like a mad woman, at the mercy of the Muses, I call up the lyrics and start reading them over, and plotting in my head and then I start to type. Roughly a half hour later I posted the lyrics into the skype chat and Cali proceeds to freak because she thought they were awesome and perfect. 


Who would sing them? How do we even get a good enough track? Are the lyrics as awesome as we think they are? So I shyly, tweet to Sharm, asking for lyrics advice in my usual, silly way. “Wrote lyrics to a Cher song! Need a pro’s advice, HALP!” <This was tweeted directly to sharm.

And from there, a simple reply. ‘Send them to me!” with instructions on how to get her email from her youtube page. So I copy paste the lyrics, and write an email. Constantly going over it and re writing it. Over and Over till I didn’t sound like a total doofus. I never once asked her to sing the lyrics, just for advice on the lyrics. I was just gonna fumble my way through the rest of it. 😀

But then, a day or so later, she replies. The Lyrics were “cute and clever”, and she was asking me if she could sing them. 

ME.. A small nobody, who really does not do much with her own Youtube except the odd rap collab, or random video. 

I proceeded to do the following. Though sadly I am not actually an anime girl, but these images are best:


Next thing I know, emails are being fired back and forth on details, how to pronounce things, and general agreements. Two weeks and a few days later, more emails, and the song was completed.

The video above, is the end result. 

Sharm, famous for videos like Take my Quest, I kissed an Orc, and other many fun enjoyable songs did the vocals. An artist who I follow; on twitter, Frenone did the drawing of Sharm singing, and I have it it writing, that Gigi Took all the images Sharm and I provided, and made the LOVELY background with it. 


Thank you Sharm, PvpGurl Gigi, Mist/Cali and everyone else who encouraged me to keep writing parody lyrics. Without any of you This day, would have never come to pass. I love You ALL! So very, very much.
